PBS FAQ Home Page

This FAQ has opened on a separate page, and you can not navigate back to the application from here. If the application is open you can access it from the top bar, or alternatively, you can re open it by clicking here.  Once reopened you will need to input your username and password in the normal way.

To see a list of all FAQ’s click here 

To see  a list of all holiday FAQ’s click here 

To see a list of all Set up and Access FAQ’s click here 

To see a list of all Appraisal FAQ’s click here 

To see a list of all Calendar FAQ’s click here

To see a list of all Compliance FAQ’s click here

To see a list of all Employee Set Up FAQ’s click here

To see a list of all Timesheet FAQ’s click here 

To see a list of all File Notes FAQ’s  – coming soon

To see a list of all File-Store FAQ’s – coming soon

To see a list of all Health & Safety FAQ’s – coming soon

To see a list of all Job Role FAQ’s  – coming soon

To see a list of all Pay FAQ’s – coming soon

To see a list of all Timesheet FAQ’s – coming soon

To see a list of all Training FAQ’s – coming soon

To see a list of all Assets FAQ’s – coming soon

To see a list of all Attendance FAQ’s – coming soon

To see a list of all Absence FAQ’s – coming soon

People Based HR