We’ve thought about Private Health Care but haven’t really had a look. It sounds expensive and a bit of a luxury.

On average we would expect good quality Private Health Care to be between 1.0 – 1.50% of payroll per month.

Should we just sort this out direct with one of the Providers?

Each direct provider will need to go through a full Q&A before they can price up a scheme. There may be things that are important to you that they don’t cover.

But aren’t there charges for using your services?


No. If you go ahead, we obtain a commission from the provider for placing your business. If you decide not to proceed there are no charges.

Once we agree to go ahead are we committed to a contract?

Company schemes are usually (but not always) a 12-month fixed contract.

We will advise you around the providers Terms & Conditions at all times.

I’ve heard that the premiums go up each year if we claim? Are their any cost controls that we can put in place against this eventuality?

Correct. Claims will have an impact on the anniversary renewal price. As brokers our job is negotiate this renewal for you, and if appropriate relook at the market so you are always aligned with the best provider at all times.

People Based HR